Nexus Cartridge for OpenShift

Posted: November 16th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Technology | Tags: | No Comments »

OpenShift Nexus CartridgeDeploying an application to the OpenShift Platform as a Service (PaaS) can be accomplished in only a matter of minutes due to the wide array of tools available to the developer. One of the tools provided by OpenShift is the ability to add the Jenkins Continuous Integration server to the development lifecycle of an application. The inclusion of Jenkins affords several incentives for both developers and stakeholders of any development project. First, by adding Jenkins to an OpenShift application, the build process is delegated to Jenkins resulting in far less downtime for the application as typically the application is taken offline during the build and deployment process. Secondly, it brings in the Jenkins Continuous Integration server, with its wide array of plugins and large community support, into your environment. Jenkins is one of the components that make up a continuous integration environment which is a set of software tools responsible for the assembly and distribution of software artifacts. The primary components of this environment consist of a build process, version control system, continuous integration server and finally a repository manager. The OpenShift ecosystem contains the majority of the components with an exception of not being able to easily access and store artifacts that have been assembled as a result of a build process. This process is typically delegated to the final component of the continuous integration environment: the repository manager. One of the more popular repository managers available on the market today is Sonatype Nexus. Nexus can serve multiple purposes in an environment as it can be a central location for binary artifacts and their dependencies, act as a proxy between your organization and publically available repositories, and serve as a deployment destination for internally created artifacts.

Each component of an OpenShift application, whether it is a web or database server framework, is known as a cartridge and there are wide number of cartridges readily available today. One of the benefits of the OpenShift cartridge system is the ability to leverage downloadable user cartridges to extend the base set of included cartridges. By offering Nexus as a downloadable cartridge, it would allow for the completion of creating a continuous integration environment in the cloud. To learn more about a continuous integration environment and how to build one of your own, refer to the following link:

The Nexus cartridge project is hosted both on GitHub and on OpenShft and built using the Cartridge Development Kit. By leveraging the CDK, an end user can choose the particular build of a cartridge to add to their application. The Nexus cartridge project is available at the following locations:

After selecting the CDK link above, you can use the OpenShift RHC Client tools or the web console to add the cartridge to an application based on the information provided. If you are using the client tools, you can use the command presented at the top of the page which represents the most recent build from the master branch of the project to create an application. When using the web console, first login and click Add Application. Downloadable cartridges can be added by entering the location of the cartridge manifest in the textbox provided in the “Code Anything” section. Click Next, enter the name for the newly created application using the Nexus cartridge, and click Create Application. After the cartridge has been created, you will be presented with a confirmation and the user name and password for the Nexus administrator account. After waiting a few moments to allow the server to come online, you can click the application link provided which will bring you to the Nexus server start page. More information on how to configure and utilize Nexus can be found at the following documentation page:

At this point, you have a fully functional repository manager hosted in the cloud. In an upcoming post, I will demonstrate how you can create a  fully functional continuous integration environment hosted on the OpenShift platform.