Rotating the OpenShift kubeadmin Password

Posted: July 15th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: Technology | Tags: , , | No Comments »

OpenShift includes the capabilities to integrate with a variety of identity providers to enable the authentication of users accessing the platform. When an OpenShift cluster is installed, a default kubeadmin administrator user is provided which enables access to complete some of the initial configuration, such as setting up identity providers and bootstrapping the cluster.

While steps are available to remove the kubeadmin user from OpenShift, there may be a desire for the account to be retained longterm as one of the break glass methods for gaining elevated access to the cluster (another being the kubeconfig file that is also provided at installation time and uses certificate based authentication).

In many organizations, policies are in place that require accounts with passwords associated with them to be rotated on a periodic basis. Given that the kubeadmin account provides privileged access to an OpenShift environment, it is important that options be available to not only provide additional security measures for protecting the integrity of the account, but to also comply with organizational policies.

The credentials for the kubeadmin password consists of four sets of five characters separated with dashes (xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx) and is generated by the OpenShift installer and stored in a secret called kubeadmin in the kube-system namespace. If you query the content stored within the secret, you will find a hashed value instead of the password itself.

oc extract -n kube-system secret/kubeadmin --to=-

# kubeadmin

To properly rotate the kubeadmin password, a new password must be generated in a format that aligns with OpenShift’s standard kubeadmin password format followed by a hashing function being applied so that it can be stored within the platform.

There are a variety of methods in which a password representative of the kubeadmin user can be generated. However, it only made sense to create a program that aligns with the functions and libraries present in the OpenShift installation binary. The following golang program performs not only the generation of the password and hash, but the base64 value that should be updated in the secret as a convenience.

package main

import (
	b64 "encoding/base64"

// generateRandomPasswordHash generates a hash of a random ASCII password
// 5char-5char-5char-5char
func generateRandomPasswordHash(length int) (string, string, error) {
	const (
		lowerLetters = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
		digits       = "23456789"
		all          = lowerLetters + upperLetters + digits
	var password string
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		n, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(len(all))))
		if err != nil {
			return "", "", err
		newchar := string(all[n.Int64()])
		if password == "" {
			password = newchar
		if i < length-1 {
			n, err = rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(len(password)+1)))
			if err != nil {
				return "", "",err
			j := n.Int64()
			password = password[0:j] + newchar + password[j:]
	pw := []rune(password)
	for _, replace := range []int{5, 11, 17} {
		pw[replace] = '-'
	bytes, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(string(pw)), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "",err

	return string(pw), string(bytes), nil

func main() {
        password, hash, err := generateRandomPasswordHash(23)
        if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("Actual Password: %s\n", password)
	fmt.Printf("Hashed Password: %s\n", hash)
	fmt.Printf("Data to Change in Secret: %s", b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(hash)))

If you do not have the go programming language installed on your machine, you can use the following link to interact with the program on the Go Playground.

Hit the Run button to execute the program and a response similar to the following will be provided:

Actual Password: WbRso-QnRdn-6uE3e-x2reD
Hashed Password: $2a$10$sNtIgflx/nQyV51IXMuY7OtyGMIyTZpGROBN70vJZ4AoS.eau63VG
Data to Change in Secret: JDJhJDEwJHNOdElnZmx4L25ReVY1MUlYTXVZN090eUdNSXlUWnBHUk9CTjcwdkpaNEFvUy5lYXU2M1ZH

As you can see, the plaintext value that you can use to authenticate as the kubeadmin user, the hashed value that should be stored in the secret within the kube-system namespace and the value that can be substituted in the secret is provided.

To update the value of the kubeadmin password, execute the following command and replace the SECRET_DATA text with the value provided next to the “Data to Change in Secret” from the program execution above.

kubectl patch secret -n kube-system kubeadmin --type json -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/data/kubeadmin", "value": "SECRET_DATA"}]

Once the password has been updated, all active OAuth tokens and any associated sessions will be invalidated and you will be required to reauthenticate. Confirm that you are able to login to either the OpenShift CLI or web console using the plain text password provided above.

It really is that easy to manage the password associated with the kubeadmin user. The ability for the password to be rotated as desired allows for the compliance against most organizational password policies. Keep in mind that the secret containing the kubeadmin password can always be removed, thus eliminating this method for authenticating into the cluster. The generated kubeconfig file provided at install time can be used as a method of last resort for accessing an OpenShift environment if a need arises.

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